Equipment you need, when you need it

At CL Boyd, we maintain a comprehensive inventory of rental equipment to meet your every need. Our selection includes top-of-the-line John Deere construction equipment, reliable Dynapac compaction equipment, versatile JLG telehandlers, and durable Harlo forklifts. Whatever your project demands, we have the right equipment ready for you.

Construction Equipment For Rent

Call us today: (405) 945-8506

Serious about renting from CLBOYD? A couple of things you will need:

1. A customer account that has been approved for rentals by CL Boyd’s Credit Department.

  • If you don't have an account with us, choose an option below:
    • Complete a credit application here
    • A Deere PowerPlan account *required for all out-of-state customers
      • Deere PowerPlan is a commercial line of credit from John Deere Financial for the purchase of parts, service and equipment rentals from Deere Construction dealers. Deere PowerPlan Signup Form

2. CL Boyd requires proof of General Liability Insurance - with limits of liability of no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 aggregate.

  • All Certificates of Insurance (COIs) must have:
    • C. L. Boyd Company Inc. as additional insured.
    • COI must be on file and current prior to start of rental period.
    • Note: If customer does not provide a valid COI, a 10% NON-INSURANCE FEE will be applied to rental charge. THIS IS NOT INSURANCE and does not absolve you of your duties as lessee.

*Complete rental terms and conditions are available upon request.

*When you rent from CL Boyd, you have the choice of Rent to Rent or rent with a purchase option (RPO).

Our rental team is always available to answer questions and help with the rental process. 

If you're a first time customer, you can get the process started by submitting a credit application. 



Tim Williams  Kyle Gray
Rental Manager Rental Coordinator
405-945-8506 405-945-8506

All fields marked with * are required.

Rental Quote Form

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